
Mobility & Core LIVE (ONLINE)

25 March 2023 09:30 - 09:50 Location:Online, Nisus Online LIVE
Lead coach:Rachel Leane
Cost:1 credit or €5.00
Status:Login to view your booking status

Nisus Mobility & Core involves targeting the Hip, Lumbar & Thoracic Spine in your body to improve your joint range of motion, and muscular flexibility through extension, flexion, abduction, adduction & rotation exercises. This Mobility & Flexibility routine combined with effective Anterior & Posterior Core exercises targeting the abdominals & obliques are integrated into this Mobility & Core session to improve Anterior & Posterior Core strength. Your potential lack of joint mobility may be limiting you and may be a contributing factor to experiencing a host of aches and pains. Our Fitness Professionals will guide you through some simple and effective exercises that you can work on at home, the office or integrate into your daily routine.